Best Herbal Cure For Constipation(Tukhme Kasni)

Tukhme Kasni

Main problems with constipation is that so many people are not sure what the best herbal cure for constipation (Tukhme Kasni) really is. There are a wide variety of treatments available and each of them claims to be the best. There is no doubt that there are problems associated with constipation, but there is also no doubt that constipation can be cured. The question is just what can be the best herbal cure for constipation?

When it comes to the question of what is the best treatment for constipation(Tukhme Kasni), it is important to realize that there are a number of different underlying reasons that cause constipation. These range from the simple to the serious and everything in between. Some of the more obvious reasons include insufficient fiber in the diet, to physical abnormalities in the large bowel. There are also other, more obscure causes of constipation.

It is important to be aware that there are a number of different things that can be done to help alleviate the problem. For example, the intake of fiber can be very beneficial. This is especially true when it comes to treating constipation. A common method of increasing the amount of fiber in the diet is by eating more fibrous vegetables and fruit.

Water is also essential. A low body water content is often present in people suffering from constipation(Tukhme Kasni). This is often due to dehydration, which can be remedied by increased liquids. It is also advisable to drink lots of water and to do exercises such as those found in yoga.

One of the best herbal cures for constipation is blackberry. Blackberries have been used for centuries in herbal remedies because they are excellent at improving digestion. They also reduce flatulence and also improve the functioning of the stomach. The other herbs that work well together in blackberry contain piperine and Cayenne. These herbs not only relieve constipation but also help one to lose weight.

Ginger can also be used to treat constipation. One will find this herb in Chinese medicine. This herb has a high content of ginger and works well in alleviating constipation. Other herbs that work well with ginger include chamomile, slippery elm, ginkgo biloba, hawthorn leaf and burdock root.

Apple cider vinegar can also work wonders when it comes to treating constipation. One should not use pure apple cider vinegar. One should instead use the apple cider vinegar that has been added with baking soda. This way the amount of vinegar used will be reduced. This is an extremely popular remedy for constipation.

These herbal cures for constipation(Tukhme Kasni) have helped a lot of people overcome their condition. However, it is always advisable to take a doctor's opinion before using them. One should never self-medicate especially when dealing with matters as delicate as digestion and the bowels. A doctor can determine the cause of constipation and prescribe the right medication. One should also ensure that he is drinking enough fluids and that he does not eat a large amount of junk food. A diet rich in fiber is very essential for treating constipation.

Fiber helps in the passage of stools and also absorbs excess water from the body. It also reduces gas and bloating. Fiber also speeds up the digestion process. Some of the vegetables that are high in fiber content are beans, peas, spinach, asparagus and bran. A diet high in fiber is very useful in curing constipation(Tukhme Kasni).

Piles can develop on the walls of the intestines if the stools harden and get impacted. This causes discomfort and makes it difficult for the sufferer to pass them. One should not panic at the first instance of constipation. Mild cases of constipation can be treated with the help of natural remedies. In more severe cases, medicines can be taken but the cure for constipation should also be considered.

If you are suffering from acute constipation, you must drink plenty of water and avoid spicy foods. Spicy food can make the stools harder and even sometimes painful. Also, the intake of too much food and liquid can also aggravate the condition. The affected person should reduce the intake of salt, caffeine, alcohol, dairy products, chocolates and chocolate.

There are many other remedies too that can help in treating constipation. These herbal cures for constipation vary in their ingredients, benefits and side effects. You can take any or a combination of these remedies. It is important to consult a doctor before taking any of these remedies. However, if you are suffering from chronic constipation, you must consult your doctor about the best herbal cure for constipation