Dry Cough Treatment - Best Treatments That Work

If you are having difficulty sleeping, or your throat is dry and hacking and your eyes feel heavy and sore and your hands feel sweaty and your throat feel parched, you may be suffering from a severe case of dry cough Treatment. This will be accompanied by a stuffy nose, green or yellow nasal discharge, wheezing and a feeling of being tired or lacking energy. You can also get trouble breathing. A dry cough usually clears on its own after a couple of days, although in some cases a doctor may need to prescribe medication to bring the symptoms under control.

To commence the best dry cough treatment, do not use steroid tablets or over the counter medicines. Instead, get your hands on an excellent humidifier that can help bring your nasal passages back into a state of moistness and thereby minimize the inflammation and drying. Steroid and decongestant medicines should only be used for minor cases, as these can have serious side effects on the heart and lungs. They can also lead to severe complications such as tuberculosis, emphysema and asthmatic bronchitis, so these should be reserved for those with very acute conditions only.

The best dry cough treatment you can get for your cough would be prevention. Try and avoid getting chronic ailments such as asthma. The causes of asthma include viruses, fungi and bacteria. Avoid coming into close physical contact with people who are prone to allergies, especially those who are smokers.

Also avoid cough syrups, inhaling them if possible, as they will only worsen your condition. Dry coughing can also be triggered by taking certain medications, so be sure to discuss this with your doctor. Over the counter medications such as Lomatrex, Chlorophyll, Iq10 and fluconazole can bring instant relief. However, if you are having a persistent dry cough that refuses to go away, see your doctor about prescribed medication.

It is important to keep the air clean around you at all times. Clean your bedroom and the room adjoining your bedroom regularly with steam cleaning products. This helps to get rid of any debris that might cause the onset of cough. You should also try and sleep in a dark and cool room as much as possible. Avoid sleeping with someone who has the same condition as you do.

If you cannot prevent the onset of a cold, then you may resort to dry cough treatment to help alleviate the symptoms. When you feel that your body is becoming uncomfortable because of the dryness, apply a cold compress to the affected area. Do this several times a day for about half an hour, every time you feel that your throat is getting dry. You should do this even after you have been able to catch your cough.

For those who are unable to find a dry cough treatment that works for them, they can use over-the-counter medications. However, this is not recommended for children or adults who have weak immune systems. Some of these medications might also make the condition worse, so it is best to consult your doctor first. You can ask him what is the best treatment option for you.

There are lots of natural remedies for all types of conditions and diseases. However, if your ailment is a persistent one, then the best dry cough treatment by using medications is not always advisable. Moreover, since these medications might leave a residue on your skin, it is best that you avoid using them for a few days until your body gets used to the medication. Then you can start using them again.

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